Fillia Makedon

Fillia Makedon

Jenkins-Garrett Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Texas at Arlighton

Office Location: ERB 624/ ERB 302
Lab Location: ERB 313
Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays
3:30PM - 5:00PM and by appointment

Home         Publications           Teaching          Heracleia Lab          iPerform Center      PETRA 2019     

Dr. Fillia Makedon is the Jenkins-Garrett Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Northwestern University in 1982. Between 1991-2006, she was Professor of computer science at Dartmouth College where she founded and directed the Dartmouth Experimental Visualization Laboratory (DEVLAB). Between 2006 and 2014 she served as the department chair of the CSE Department at UTA. Prior to that , in 2005-2006, she was Program Director at the National Science Foundation. Prior to Dartmouth, Prof. Makedon was Assistant and Associate Professor at the Univ. of Texas at Dallas (UTD), where she founded and directed the Computer LEArning Research Center (CLEAR). She supervised over 27 Ph.D. theses and numerous Masters Degree theses. Makedon has received many NSF research awards in the areas of trust management, brain computing, data mining, parallel computing, visualization, knowledge management, cyberphysical systems, major research instrumentation, and cyberhuman systems, to name a few. She has been senior investigator and co-PI of NIH, DOJ and Foundation grants. She received the Dartmouth Senior Research Professor Award, three Fulbright awards, and is author of over 350 peer-reviewed research publications. She is faculty affiliate of the Dartmouth ISTS security institute and currently directs the HERACLEIA Human Centered Laboratory, that develops pervasive technologies for human monitoring. She is member of several journal editorial boards and chair of the international PETRA conference ( She currently supervises 12 Ph.D. students, several undergraduates and MS students.  

Current Principal Fields of Study
Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Human Robot Interaction (HRI)
Pervasive Computing
Machine Learning
Computational Multimedia
Cognitive Computing

Earlier Areas of Research Interest Design Automation
Graph Theory Applications
VLSI Algorithms
Circuit Testing
Parallel Computation and Packet Routing
Algorithm Visualization and Computational Multimedia
Cybersecurity systems for medical applications

Current Course CSE 5369/6369 This course will introduce you to HCI research by combining theory with practice. You will be exposed to seminal work in HCI systems, prototyping techniques & enabling technologies and cover topics such as, ubiquitous computing, social computing, design tools and methods, input technologies, crowdsourcing, visualization, animation, game design and how to program & evaluate user centric interfaces.

Postdoc Maria Kyrarini

PhD Students
Maher Abujelala
Michail Theofanidis
Sanika Gupta
Varun Kanal
Akilesh Rajavenkatanarayanan
Ashwin Ramesh Babu
Mohammad Zaki Zadeh
Joe Cloud

REU Students
James Brady
Luke Owens

Graduated Students Michalis Papakostas Ph.D. (2019)
Diane Calderon B.S (2019)
Meaghan Harraghy B.S (2019)
Konstantinos Tsiakas Ph.D. (2018)
Chris Collander B.S (2018)
Shawn Gieser Ph.D. (2017)
Alexandros Lioulemes Ph.D. (2017)
Dylan Ebert B.S (2017)
Alexandros Papangelis Ph.D. (2013)
Georgios Galatas Ph.D. (2013)
Christopher McMurrough Ph.D. (2013)
Shahina Ferdous Ph.D. (2012)
Vangelis Metsis Ph.D. (2011)
Eric Becker Ph.D. (2010)

Campus office:
ERB 302
Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington